Karikili Birds Sanctuary

Nesting & Foraging Site

These are old water storage reservoirs constructed for irrigation in the Chengalpet plains. They have now also become important as breeding sites for large waterbirds. Karikili tanks are wholly rainfed. Karikili Birds Sanctuary like Vedanthangal has a history of villager’s initiative in protecting water birds and in turn isbenefitted by the guano enriched water from the tank to Karikili's entire agricultural area.

It is the catchment area of the Karikili Malai and run off rainwater is collected in the tanks. This water is of crucial value to the visiting waterfowl as well as residential birds and the farmers of Karikili. The water is mostly collected during the north-east monsoon and is used upto March – Mayand this cycle follows year after year.

Nesting & Foraging Site

These are old water storage reservoirs constructed for irrigation in the Chengalpet plains. They have now also become important as breeding sites for large waterbirds.Karikili tanks are wholly rainfed.Karikili Birds Sanctuary like Vedanthangal has a history of villager’s initiative in protecting water birds and in turn isbenefitted by the guano enriched water from the tank to Karikili's entire agricultural area.

It is the catchment area of the KarikiliMalai and run off rainwater is collected in the tanks. This water is of crucial value to the visiting waterfowl as well as residential birds and the farmers of Karikili. The water is mostly collected during the north-east monsoon and is used uptoMarch –Mayand this cycle follows year after year.

  • Conservation & Education

    The lake has good recreational and eco-education value which can be fully realized.

  • Bird Watching

    birds are a useful tool for awareness of environmental issues,education Birdwatching can increase respect for nature and awareness of the fragility of ecosystems.

  • Ornithological Paradise

    It is an Ornithologists paradise providing great opportunities for studies and observation on various aspects of both scientific and management interest.

Home to migratory birds

The Karikili Birds Sanctuary like Vedanthangal has a history of people’s co-operation in protecting water birds, which are responsible for providing guano-enriched water to Karikili's crop fields.The diversity of Barringtonia trees as well as number of other different species of trees are found on the bund which adds to the species richness of the sanctuary

Our Biome

  • Animals

  • Reptiles

  • Birds

  • Fishes

  • Trees

  • Animals

  • Reptiles

  • Birds

  • Fishes

  • Trees

Our Animals